Friday, March 3, 2017

Spring wreath

I love to change out the wreaths on my front door, so today I've brought you a wreath that I use for St. Patty's Day but is versatile enough you can keep it up all Spring!

The supplies you'll need are:
Paper of your choice- I used 3 different colors/patterns
Paper cutter or scissors
Hot glue
Straw wreath

Step 1: You'll need to cut your paper into strips. I cut mine into 1"x 6" strips.

Step 2: Once you have your strips cut, you'll want to fold it in half and staple it together.

Step 3: Now the fun part! Glueing on each strip to your straw wreath. There really is no pattern here just start glueing. It is a little time consuming but once you get the hang of it, it goes pretty quick.

And now you have yourselves a fun spring time wreath! There are two ways you can glue your paper on so below is another way you can do it.

Now go make yourselves one!

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